Episode 4 was tons of fun because I got to catch-up with my friend, Audree, of Simply Audree Kate. Audree is a NYC-based fashion stylist, editor, fashion consultant and founder of the Simply Audree Kate blog where she talks about all things style + her life in the fashion industry. In ... READ the POST
Episode 3: Christina Rice on FOMO, Non Toxic Beauty + Showing Yourself Grace on Your Wellness Journey.
In Episode 3 we have the opportunity to talk with Christina Rice, an all-around amazing woman who’s dedicated to helping women find their own version of wellness. She’s a stellar blogger, the host of the podcast Wellness Realness, a holistic health coach and (of course) my new BFF. All over her ... READ the POST
Episode 2: Kristin Lohr on Harnessing Your Strengths, How to Know You’re Being Guided + What to Remember During Your Quarter Life Crisis.
When was the last time you took a look at your strengths? This episode is all about looking inside yourself to find the things that make you the stellar human being that you are. And who better to talk to about this topic than strengths coach and magnificent human, Kristen Lohr? She’s a life coach, ... READ the POST
Episode 1: Kate Van Horn on Being Thankful for Your Struggles, Body Image + Entrepreneurship.
In #OwningIt’s premiere episode Kate Van Horn is chatting entrepreneurship, loving your body and how beautiful your struggles really can be. I was fortunate enough to meet her since recording at The GOODFest (one of her thriving business ventures — yes one of them) in February and can say she’s ... READ the POST