Anna, you beautiful Unicorn human. Over the past few months you’ve taught me how to be unapologetically more “me” + are a huge proponent of people using their “fear for fuel.” Can you dive into what that statement means to you?
The world needs more of YOU, the real you.
The problem is, most people don’t know who they really are. Most people are actually living their lives in a very reactive state of being. They are reacting to world circumstances, they are reacting to what other people are saying about them, they are reacting to the meetings in their schedule, they are reacting to what they see in their bank accounts, etc.
It’s exhausting.
And most of it is fear based. Our fear is actually what controls most of us. We are afraid of our health and safety in the world, we are afraid that our colleagues are judging us, we are afraid that if we don’t pack our schedules with work that we will not get promoted, we are afraid that we may not earn enough money.
Imagine if we didn’t have these fears running our lives.
Imagine if everything we are afraid of becomes something that we celebrate.
How much energy would you gain from that?
THAT is when the real you emerges.
The real you is someone who is creative and excited about life.
The real you knows that we live in a world with infinite opportunities and possibilities (the world is a party!) and when we can be aware of the things we are secretly afraid of, then we can turn around these fears by asking simple questions:
Is this really true that I need to work all these hours to get ahead, or is there a better way?
Do I really feel scared about the global health crisis? If so, what will make me feel less afraid? Why am I worried about money? What can I do to feel better about money?
How can the people reading take their current fear — that undoubtedly so many of us have right now, especially — and use it to fuel our lives and creative efforts?
Think of all your feelings like balls of energy. The stronger the feeling, the stronger the energy. There is a huge, global collective emotion of fear at the moment, which means there is a lot of energy that several billion people in the world are feeding into nearly every day.
This ball of fear basically has its own gravitational pull! Which is why it’s so easy to get caught up in a vortex of fear and anxiety.
Often times, we are feeling other people’s fear and don’t even realize it. Then, next thing you know, you’re half a pint into Haagen Daaz coffee ice cream and you wonder how you got there.
(It’s because humans naturally crave comfort in times of stress.)
Here is an energy exercise that is essential for anyone who watches the news frequently or who is surrounded by fearful people.
One of my clients, he’s an executive coach, felt really bad charging people for coaching because he felt like he was taking advantage of them during a pandemic. So he started giving away a lot of his time and services for free. This created chaos in his business and he was su burnt out, he couldn’t be present for his family. Not to mention, his personal fear was also affecting his clients–not the outcome he intended.
So, we did the following exercise and he felt immediately more grounded, more himself, like the weight of the world was off his shoulders.
Take a few deep breaths into your belly.
Feel all the energy buzzing in your head and in your body.
See if you can picture the energy of people around you and of the greater collective. Feel how busy this energy is and how it’s affecting you.
Now, I want you to unplug from this energy. Imagine you are one of those telephone operators from the 1950’s like Mrs. Maisel and unplug from the jack that is connected to stress, and plug into the jack that is connected to a peaceful, grounded energy.
Watch all of the other noise fade away as you are in a safe space that is filled with your own energy.
One thing I find so beautiful is tapping into my “soul frequency” state + meditating there in the morning, or when I’m needing a boost during the day. A practice you reminded me of! Can you explain what the “soul frequency” state is to you + its importance?
Soul Frequency is something I learned from my friend Lisa Berkovitz when we were exchanging stories about soul-aligned businesses. To put it simply, your soul frequency is the natural energetic state of your soul. An easy way to access your soul frequency is to think of a happy memory from your life. A moment when you felt most natural, most at ease, most yourself.
Notice the emotions you feel when you go back to this memory–this is your soul frequency! If you are feeling any stuckness or uncertainty in your life, come back to this memory and the feelings you have around it and it will help you dissolve blocks and realign with your purpose.
If you could exclaim one sentiment to the masses, teach one lesson, what would it be?
Women really are the rulers of the world. The Feminine is what gives purpose, meaning and direction to the masculine. If we notice men who are out of balance, it is in part because the woman in their life is not.
Your favorite way to elevate your life right now?
I have a few sample perfumes that I got from Harrods in London that I spray on my clothes when I want a luxurious boost in my mood.
The brand is Floraiku and they make scents that are inspired by haikus. And you can layer these scents to create a sensual story, like “sleeping on the roof” or “between two trees.”
They are amazing and one day I hope to have the whole collection (not just samples!)
Connect with Anna: Website • Facebook Group
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